Tuesday was a pretty uneventful day - tried to take it easy because I figured that would be best. Tuesday night - we were SO happy! GO COCKS! Gamecocks won the CWS - and it was the BEST baseball game that I have ever seen in my life! So intense - you could definitely tell the best two teams were in the end - it was tied 1 to 1 and they went to 11 innings! It was really good - we were up late because we were so fired up after the win!
We had to be at SEFC by 10:30 this morning ... collection at 10:30 and procedure at 11:30. Everything went really well - Dr. Patton said they usually like to see 10 million "swimmers" after the wash but that some men have more than that ... "like your husband - who had 74 million swimmers!" My jaw dropped. I looked over at Daniel and he was just SMILING and giggling - like he was "the man " or something. I couldn't believe it - and then Dr. Patton said "That poor little egg - I don't know what it's going to do!"
I was trying to be as positive as possible - even though there was only one mature follicle on Monday. Pam (our nurse) kept saying, "It only takes one!" so we'll see! In my mind - I can't imagine 74 million swimmers and not ONE of them sticking it out. I really hope that this is it - I am going to try my best to stay busy and find things to be focused on OTHER than this terribly long 2ww.
Daniel goes tomorrow for pre-op for next week's surgery. They called today to give us the scoop - we'll have to be there by 9am on Wednesday... bloodwork/prep until 11:00. The surgery is at 11:30 and will last 4 hours! Then he'll go to recovery for an hour ... so I'll have a LONG day waiting! Luckily we'll have our own private room for the 3-5 day stay. I am already starting to pack things that I'll need to keep me sane! At least that will help some of this long wait to go by - I'll be a little busy taking care of him! :)
Please continue to pray that the Lord will prepare my body and bless us with the miracle that we have waited for. I am praying that this will be it - and that two weeks from now I'll be the happiest girl in the world :)